„This time the chancellor goes by the coach. Not one of these election campaign tour coaches on which colossally face and slogan of the politician are resplendent who circles in it by the area. A coach of the superclass, varnishes black with tinted discs, rented only for this Saturday, for 200 kilometres from Bonn to Wiesbaden, from a rally to the next.“
„The election campaign coach of the chancellor is a model of the high kind, equipped for long journeys. 22 degrees of inside temperature, blue light tapes LED. Leather applications, an imitation wood on the ground. A loudspeaker arrangement, with tripods and steel ropes secure. Two cool boxes with morsel and drinks in the rear rows. Merkel has two seats for herself, as only in the coach. A journalist stands the whole journey about in the way. Merkel expresses her worry about his well-being, but he refuses.“
From: sueddeutsche.de
Official Partner 21. UNESCO Charity-Gala 2012
02elf is a new brand in the coach rental business. But the three managing directors are by no means new to the industry – the resonance in the press about the managing directors' new joint undertaking has been accordingly significant.
Der_Rote_Renner_News.pdf aus: roter-renner.de (gekürzt) (437,2 kB)
Der_Rote_Renner_News_2.pdf aus: roter-renner.de (gekürzt) (123,3 kB)
Luxusbusse_Artikel_Original.pdf aus: RHEINISCHE POST (127,6 kB)
presseerklaerung_02elf.pdf (99,1 kB)